Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hurry up and be patient...

Hurry up and be patient... how many times do I feel like this is what I am asking God to do? Hurry up and give me patience! I have always prayed for patience. Even though I know God gives us patience through trial, I never remember that in the moment... only after the opportunity has passed. At this point in my life, where I lose my patience is typically at home. In the mornings when Amberlee won't eat her breakfast without me standing over her saying, "eat your breakfast or else...", or when I have to give the same directions over and over again to a 9 year old boy, or when Drew is being loud in the morning when the baby is still sleeping, or when I have to chase mom's dog around the neighborhood because he got out the door twice (yes, all of these things happened this morning). Why? Why do these things cause me to be so impatient? I know I will miss these moments when they are gone. I know I will look back and wish I was just having breakfast with Amberlee or having Jacob there to give directions to.

Lord, please help me to slow down and be patient. Help me to remember the purpose you have set before me... to be a woman of Christ, a wife, a mother, a friend. Help me to remember my responsibility is to teach my children your way and the way to live in the footsteps of Christ. Help me to remember that patience will teach them more than the affects of impatience. Please remind me of the patience you have with me each day as I continue to fail you over and over again. Help me to show love and tolerance to others like you do to me. Please forgive me and please give me the strength and wisdom to again... slow down and be patient.

Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised. Hebrews 10:36

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