Tuesday, August 18, 2009

listen, please just listen!

Proverbs 1:5 Let the wise listen.

Oh, how many times do I "hear" my kids, but don't "listen" to them. If I as a parent am too busy to listen, how are Jacob, Amberlee, and Mason (and even myself) going to understand that God always listens? I need to teach my children to be confident in their relationship with me through listening and communicating, so they will become confident that their Heavenly Father is always listening to them. My how powerful just "listening" to your children can be... it can impact their entire faith! I challenge myself to stop and listen to not only my children, but anyone who converses with me.

Dear Lord, please help me to slow down and listen to my children when they speak. Please help me to encourage my children to talk to me and to have confidence I am here for them always. Help them, through my example, know you are always here to listen to them... in hard times and in times of rejoicing. Please also help me to not only hear You, but to listen to You. Thank you Lord for caring and loving us so richly, that you listen to our every word...

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